This is a function that makes optionals in preconditions a little less painful:
import UIKit
extension Optional {
/// Thanks to for how to get
the "Wrapped" type
func flatPred(_ f: (Wrapped) -> Bool) -> Bool {
return self.flatMap(f) ?? false
var dict = ["hello":"there", "you":"🐨s"]
// Use these to verify it's the same as the precondition with flatmap ?? false
var str:String? = dict["🐨s"] //fails as nil
//var str:String? = dict["you"] //fails as non-there
//var str:String? = dict["hello"] //succeeds
//precondition( str.flatMap{$0 == "there"} ?? false , "It's not there!")
print("Normal vanilla")
precondition( str.flatPred{ $0 == "there"}, "It's really not there!")
print("naming left to you, I dislike flatApply and flatPred")