A Leiningen plugin to deploy AWS Lambda (JVM) function to one or multiple regions via S3.
Note! Uninstalling Lambda is not currently supported so you have to delete all resources manually if you need to uninstall Lambda.
Put [lein-clj-lambda "0.4.1"]
into the :plugins
vector of your project.clj (or your profile if you prefer that).
Create S3 bucket and create following configuration into project.clj
:lambda {"test" [{:handler "lambda-demo.LambdaFn"
:memory-size 512
:timeout 60
:function-name "my-func-test"
:region "eu-west-1"
:s3 {:bucket "your-bucket"
:object-key "lambda.jar"}}]
"production" [{:handler "lambda-demo.LambdaFn"
:memory-size 1024
:timeout 300
:function-name "my-func-prod"
:region "eu-west-1"
:s3 {:bucket "your-bucket"
:object-key "lambda.jar"}}]}
Then run
$ lein lambda install test
$ lein lambda install production
This will create S3 bucket that will be used for uploading code to Lambda. Also it creates new IAM role and policy so that the Lambda function can access S3 bucket and that Lambda can write to Cloudwatch logs. Note! If S3 bucket or role already exist their creation will be skipped.
After Lambda is installed you should not run install anymore but instead just run
task that will only update latest code to Lambda environment.
$ lein lambda update test
$ lein lambda update production
Copyright © 2016 Markus Hjort
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.