
yunbi node module for the exchange market www.yunbi.com This allow user to connect to public and private apis to view prices, check balance and trade from the module.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Open source developed Nodejs API for the exchange market www.yunbi.com

  • This allow user to connect to public(unauthenticated) and private(authenticated) apis to view prices, check balance and trade from the module.
  • Include most of Yunbi API except for placing multiple orders.

Usage :

  • var Client = require('yunbi-module.js');

  • var client = new Client ( ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY );

Public Call

  • client.getTicker( callback );
  • client.getAllTickers( callback );
  • client.getOrderBook( coinA, coinB, askLimit*, bitLimit*,callback );
  • client.getDepth( coinA, coinB,callback );
  • client.getMarkets( callback );
  • client.getTimeStamp( callback );
  • client.getK( coinA, coinB, limit*, period*, timestamp*, callback );
  • client.KPendingTrades( coinA, coinB, tradeId, limit*, period*, timestamp*,callback );

Private Get

  • client.getMember( callback );
  • client.getAllDeposits( coin, limit*, state*, callback );
  • client.getDeposit( transactionId, callback );
  • client.getDepositAddress( coin, callback );
  • client.getAllOrders( coinA, coinB, state*, limit*, page*, orderBy*, callback );
  • client.getOrder( orderId, callback );
  • client.myBalances( callback );
  • client.getRecentTrade( coinA, coinB, limit*, timestamp*, from*, to*, orderBy*, callback );
  • client.getMyTrades( coinA, coinB,limit*, timestamp*, from*, to*, orderBy*, callback );

Private Post

  • client.buy( coinA, coinB, rate, amount, callback );
  • client.sell( coinA, coinB, rate, amount, callback );
  • client.cancelAllOrders( side, callback );
  • client.cancelOrder( orderId, callback );
  • : optional param, pass in null if not specified.

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