
  1. Create a Github Repo

  2. npm init

    • entry point: app.js
    • author: Your Name
  3. Install Dependencies

    • express
    • body-parser
    • express-handlebars
    • nodemailer
      • npm install express body-parser express-handlebars nodemailer
  4. Create app.js file

  5. npm install -g nodemon

  6. Require each of your dependencies in app.js

    • EX: const express = require('express');
  7. Initialize app variables

    • const app = express();
    • GET route for the landing page or '/'
  8. In your terminal run:

    • node app.js
  9. Setup View Engine

    • app.engine('handlebars', exphbs());
    • app.set('view engine', 'handlebars');
  10. Body Parser MiddleWare

  11. Setup Public Folder