
Additive Adversarial Learning for Unbiased Authentication

Primary LanguagePython


The implementation of our Additive Adversarial Learning for Unbiased Authentication method by Keras


The code runs with Python and requires Tensorflow of version 1.2.1 or higher and Keras of version 2.0 or higher. Please pip install the following packages:

  • numpy
  • tensorflow
  • keras
  • pandas


Download colored_mnist.h5 in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EH9GM9TTsfcWxYV5QtwCtyTtJWrcP3h5

And put colored_mnist.h5 in the data/ folder

For Stage 1, run the following commands in shell:

python train_cmnist_phase1.py

For Stage 2, copy the name of any resulted h5 file, e.g., _colored_mnist_data_phase1_AUC_0.9573.h5, to set value for read_path in line 269 of train_phase2.py, then run the following commands in shell:

python train_phase2.py

See train_cmnist_phase1.py and train_phase2.py for details.

CelebA data

Download celeba_img_align_5p_size64.h5 in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EH9GM9TTsfcWxYV5QtwCtyTtJWrcP3h5

And put celeba_img_align_5p_size64.h5 in the data/ folder

For Stage 1, run the following commands in shell:

python train_celeba_phase1.py

For Stage 2, similarly as for CMNIST, copy the name of any resulted h5 file to set value for read_path in line 269 of train_phase2.py, then run the following commands in shell:

python train_phase2.py

See train_celeba_phase1.py and train_phase2.py for details.

Mobile data

Download device_transfer.h5 in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EH9GM9TTsfcWxYV5QtwCtyTtJWrcP3h5

And put device_transfer.h5 in the data/ folder

For Stage 1, run the following commands in shell:

python train_mobile_phase1.py

For Stage 2, similarly as for CMNIST, copy the name of any resulted h5 file to set value for read_path in line 269 of train_phase2.py, then run the following commands in shell:

python train_phase2.py

See train_mobile_phase1.py and train_phase2.py for details.