Progressive methanol injection controller for BMW E92 and similar cars. The methanol delivery rate is determined by querying the current fuel load from the ECU using the UDS protocol over CANbus (via the OBD port).
- app41Italy
- arbartz95Minnesota
- bglopezRaleigh, NC
- CBlumini
- CCrashBandicotsec4ever
- doublemint9009
- dzid26
- Jankovicspeti
- jonteman
- KingShiesty13
- l4m3rxBulgaria, Plovdiv
- MorGuuxRenishaw
- NeziheSozenSiemens
- opais@sliide
- ozgurbutuB3D & EP
- pxdeltaCaxias Do Sul, Brazil
- socalva
- tjbtiller
- uprev
- warhoop
- wenxkang
- yusufSemofort worth TX