
upvotes and downvotes for slack

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karmabot is a Slack bot that listens for and performs karma operations (aka upvotes/downvotes).

usage screenshot


  • upvote a user: <user>++
  • downvote a user: <user>--
  • add/subtract multiple points at once:
    • <user>++ - 1 point
    • <user>+++ - 2 points
    • and so on, limited to maxpoints points (see the Usage section below)
  • add a message/reason for a karma operation:
    • <user>++ for <message>; or
    • <user>++ <message>
  • query a user's current points: <user>==
  • upvote/downvote a user by adding reactjis to their message
  • motivate.im support:
    • ?m <user>
    • !m <user>
  • leaderboard:
    • <karma|karmabot> <leaderboard|top|highscores>
    • to list more than leaderboardlimit (see the Usage section below), you may append the number of users to list to the command above. e.g. karmabot top 20
  • user aliases:
    • it is possible to alias different usernames to one main username by passing the aliases as a cli option to the karmabot binary. syntax: -alias main++alias1++alias2++...++aliasN
    • repeat the option for every alias that you want to configure
  • karma throwback:
    • <karma|karmabot> throwback [user]
    • returns a random karma operation that happened to a specific user.

note: <user> does not have to be a Slack username. However, karmabot supports Slack autocompletion and so the following messages are parsed correctly:

  • @username: ++
  • @username++
  • username ++
  • !m @username:
  • etc.


Use the Docker images

  • kamaln7/karmabot:latest
  • kamaln7/karmabot:latest-webui
  • kamaln7/karmabotctl:latest

Download a Pre-built Release

  1. head to the repo's releases page and download the appropriate latest release's binary for your system

Build from Source

  1. clone the repo (find the latest version number in the releases page):
    1. git clone -b v1.5.2 https://github.com/kamaln7/karmabot.git
    2. cd karmabot
  2. install dependencies
    1. run go mod download
  3. run go build in /cmd/karmabot and /cmd/karmabotctl 2. cd cmd/karmabot 3. go build 4. cd ../karmabotctl 5. go build


  1. add a Slack Bot integration: https://team.slack.com/apps/A0F7YS25R-bots. an avatar is available here.
  2. invite karmabot to any existing channels and all future channels (this is a limitation of Slack's bot API, unfortunately)
  3. run karmabot. the following options are supported. you can use environment variables as well, but any CLI options you pass will take precedence.
option required? description default env var
-token string yes slack RTM token KB_TOKEN
-debug=bool no set debug mode false KB_DEBUG
-db string no path to sqlite database ./db.sqlite3 KB_DB
-leaderboardlimit int no the default amount of users to list in the leaderboard 10 KB_LEADERBOARDLIMIT
-maxpoints int no the maximum amount of points that users can give/take at once 6 KB_MAXPOINTS
-motivate=bool no toggle motivate.im support true KB_MOTIVATE
-blacklist string no may be passed multiple times blacklist string i.e. ignore karma commands for string [] KB_BLACKLIST
-reactji bool no use reactji (👍 and 👎) as reaction events true KB_REACTJI
-reactjis.upvote string no may be passed multiple times a list of reactjis to use for upvotes. for emojis with aliases, use the first name that is shown in the emoji popup +1, thumbsup, thumbsup_all KB_REACTJIS_UPVOTE
-reactjis.downvote string no may be passed multiple times a list of reactjis to use for downvotes. for emojis with aliases, use the first name that is shown in the emoji popup -1, thumbsdown KB_REACTJIS_DOWNVOTE
-alias string no may be passed multiple times alias different users to one user. syntax: -alias main++alias1++alias2++...++aliasN KB_ALIAS
-selfkarma bool no allow users to add/remove karma to themselves true KB_SELFKARMA
-replytype string no whether to reply in channel (message), in a new thread under the user's message (thread), or only visible to the acting user (ephemeral) message KB_REPLYTYPE

In addition, see the table below for the options related to the web UI.

example: ./karmabot -token xoxb-abcdefg

It is recommended to pass karmabot's logs through humanlog. humanlog will format and color the JSON output as nice easy-to-read text.

Web UI

karmabot includes an optional web UI. The web UI uses TOTP tokens for authentication. While the token itself would only be valid for 30 seconds, once you have authenticated, you will stay so for 48 hours, after which your session will expire. This is not meant to be a fully-featured advanced authentication system, but rather a simple way to keep off people who do not belong to your Slack team.

How to use the Web UI


  1. download the www directory from the repo's root and place it in a directory that is accessible to karmabot.
  2. run ./karmabot -token x -webui.listenaddr x -webui.path x. You may keep all the options set to x, as they will not be used at all. karmabot will generate a random TOTP key for you to use, print it, and exit. Copy that token.

Start karmabot

Once you have performed the steps detailed above, pass the necessary options to the karmabot binary. You can use environment variables as well, but any CLI options you pass will take precedence.

option required? description default env var
-webui.listenaddr string yes the address (host:port) on which to serve the web UI KB_WEBUI_LISTENADDR
-webui.totp string yes the TOTP key (see above) KB_WEBUI_TOTP
-webui.path string yes path to the www directory (see above) KB_WEBUI_PATH
-webui.url string no the URL which karmabot should use to generate links to the web UI (without a trailing slash!) defaults to http://webui.listenaddr KB_WEBUI_URL

If done correctly, the web UI should be accessible on the webui.listenaddr that you have configured. The web UI will not be started if either of webui.listenaddr or webui.path are missing.


The web UI is authenticated, so you will have to generate authentication tokens through karmabot. You can access the web UI by typing karmabot web in the chat. karmabot will generate a TOTP token, append it to the webuiurl and send back the link. Click on the link and you should be authenticated for 48 hours.

Additionally, you may use also use the link provided in the Slack leaderboard (karmabot leaderboard) in order to log in and access the leaderboard.


karmabot comes with a maintenance tool called karmabotctl. It can be used to perform certain tasks without having to run karmabot itself.


A list of all arguments for each command can be printed by running karmabotctl karma migrate --help. In addition to the arguments listed in the tables below, some commands may also require a <db> argument containing the path to the database file.


command arguments description
add <from> <to> <reason> <points> add karma to a user
migrate <from> <to> move a user's karma to another user
reset <user> reset a user's karma
set <user> <points> set a user's karma to a specific number
throwback <user> get a karma throwback for a user


command arguments description
serve <debug> <leaderboardlimit> <totp> <path> <listenaddr> <url> start a webserver
totp <totp> generate a TOTP token based on the passed secret
