
Tutorial on how to extend flows in Corda

Primary LanguageKotlin

Corda Services

This project focuses on using ServiceHub.trackBy to observe the saving of states and how to do so without causing deadlock.

The blog post that explains the code used here can be found at www.lankydanblog.com


  • app: Spring code
  • cordapp: Corda application code
  • contracts-and-states: Contracts and states


See https://docs.corda.net/getting-set-up.html.


Running the nodes:

Run the following gradle task to build the Corda nodes

  • Windows: gradlew.bat deployNodes
  • Unix: ./gradlew deployNodes

Once built, go to the build/nodes directory and run ./runnodes

Running the webservers:

Once the nodes are running, you can start the node webserver from the command line:

  • Windows: gradlew.bat runPartyAServer
  • Unix: ./gradlew runPartyAServer

Both approaches use environment variables to set:

  • server.port, which defines the HTTP port the webserver listens on
  • config.rpc.*, which define the RPC settings the webserver uses to connect to the node

Interacting with the nodes:

Send a message via a post request


with a body like

    "recipient": "O=PartyB,L=London,C=GB",
    "contents": "this is a temporary message"

Most importantly my blog can be found at www.lankydanblog.com and you can follow me on Twitter at @LankyDanDev