Using ZSH on iTerm with Dracula theme
Files have basic config stuff nothing too fancy
Remapped the 'x' key to act as a hyper key that controls Spotify through an Alfred workflow. Tutorial to configure more keys like this can be found here.
NOTE: It's very easy to trigger these keys accidentaly while typing. I've looked but haven't really found a work around for this behavior. If I had, I would definitely have more of these set up.
Some of the stuff I can do with this 'x' key
- Start playing a specified playlist by pressing x + j
- Skip to next song/skip to previous song by pressing x + c and x + z
- Browse my playlists by pressing x + p (activates Spotify Alfred workflow)
- Search Spotify by pressing x + f (activates Spotify Alfred workflow)
- etc...
More on my Hammerspoon configuration found here.
Configured trackpack actions that let me:
- Open, close, and navigate Firefox and Finder tabs
- Control volume, Spotify pauseplay, and Spotify next track and previous track