
The build scripts for Kali image of onecloud, runing on Debian & Arch Linux.

Primary LanguageShell


The build scripts for Kali image of Odroid C1, supports both Debian & Arch Linux.


You may compile the kali image for Odroid C1 in one step:

git clone https://github.com/yhfudev/arch-kali-odroidc1.git
cd arch-kali-odroidc1
sudo ./runme.sh

You may want to run above commands in a virtual machine by user root, otherwise you may be annoyed by the sudo command :-)


Install to SD card by:

dd bs=4M if=src/kali-odroidc1-image-1.1.0-armhf.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 && sync

Speeding up writing image

If you install following tools in your build host before compiling the image, you'll get a compressed image file and bmap config file, and you may speed up writing the image file to a SD card:

apt-get install bsdtar bmap-tools pixz

To install the image file to your SD card:

sudo bmaptool copy kali-odroidc1-image-1.1.0-armhf.img.xz /dev/mmcblk0


You may be also interest in config or install other packages after booting the Kali: (user "root" login with password "toor")

# expanded the image to the full size
apt-get install parted sudo

# Full Kali Linux build
apt-get update
apt-get install kali-linux-full

# setup ssh server
apt-get install openssh-server
update-rc.d -f ssh remove
update-rc.d -f ssh defaults
rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
service ssh restart


  • Supports the Odroid C1
  • automatically download and install prerequisites
  • automatically download, setup, and cache source/tool trees
  • Supports dpkg cache, so you won't wait after the first run of this software
  • Supports multiple linux distributions, such Debian, Arch (or Redhat, not test yet)

That's all. Have fun!