
To get the API up and running run:

    yarn reload

All API requests are made to: http://localhost:8000



a POST request to /api/staff/register will create a new user and return an object including an authentication token:

{ token: 'aKafj1Dg2kLD434So', id: 1, email: '', message: 'Registration successful.' }

the POST request must include the following:

  • name
  • email
  • password


a POST request to /api/staff/login will login the user and return an object with an authentication token:

{ token: 'aKafj1Dg2kLD434So', id: 1, email: '', message: 'User logged in successfully.' }

the POST request must include the following:

  • email
  • password


a GET request to /api/items will return an object with all items in the inventory: token: 'aKafj1Dg2kLD434So', items:[ {id: 1, name: 'strawberries', amount: 1, unit: 'lb(s)', categoryID: 1}, {id: 2, name: 'blueberries', amount: 20, unit: 'oz', categoryID: 1}, {id: 3, name: 'carrots', amount: 1.5, unit: 'lbs', categoryID: 2}, {id: 4, name: 'broccoli', amount: 1, unit: 'lb', categoryID: 2} ] note: the user must be logged in to view this page.

a POST request to /api/items will return the itemID of the added item:

{ itemID: 5 }

the POST request must include the following:

  • name
  • amount (as an integer)
  • categoryID (as an integer) ( unit is optional )

a GET request to /api/items/:id will return an object including the item with the associated ID: token: 'aKafj1Dg2kLD434So', item:{ id: 1, name: 'strawberries', amount: 1, unit: 'lb(s)', categoryID: 1 } note: the user must be logged in to view this page.

a DELETE request to /api/items/:id will return an object with a count of 1 if successful:

{ deletedRecords: 1 }

a PUT request to /api/items/:id will return an object with a count of 1 if successful:

{ updatedRecords: 1 }

the PUT request must include the following:

  • name
  • amount (as an integer)
  • categoryID (as an integer) ( unit is optional )



a GET request to /api/categories will return a list of all the categories:

token: 'aKafj1Dg2kLD434So', categories: [ { id: 1, name: 'fruits', inventory: [ {id: 1, name: 'strawberries', amount: '1 lb'}, {id: 2, name: 'blueberries', amount: '20 oz'} ] } { id: 2, name: 'vegetables', items: [ {id: 3, name: 'carrots', amount: 1.5, unit: 'lb(s)'}, {id: 4, name: 'broccoli', amount: 1, unit: 'lb(s)'} ] } ]

note: the user must be logged in to view this page.

a POST request to /api/categories will return the categoryID of the new category:

{ categoryID: 5 }

the POST request must include the following:

  • name

a GET request to /api/categories/:id will return an object with the category associated the ID:

token: 'aKafj1Dg2kLD434So', category: { id: 1, name: 'fruits', items: [ {id: 1, name: 'strawberries', amount: 1, unit: 'lb(s)'}, {id: 2, name: 'blueberries', amount: 20, unit: 'oz'} ] } note: the user must be logged in to view this page.

a PUT request to /api/categories/:id will return an object with a count of 1 if successful:

{ updatedRecords: 1 }

the PUT request must include the following:

  • name

a DELETE request to /api/categories/:id will return an object with a count of 1 if successful:

{ deletedRecords: 1 }

Note: This will delete the category and ALL items associated with the category!


a GET request to /api/staff will return a list of all staff members: token: 'aKafj1Dg2kLD434So', staff: [ { id: 1, name: 'John Smith ', email: '' } { id: 2, name: 'Jane Doe', email: '' } ]

note: the user must be logged in to view this page.

a GET request to /api/staff/:id will return an object with the staff member associated the ID: token: 'aKafj1Dg2kLD434So', staff: { id: 1, name: 'John Smith ', email: '' } note: the user must be logged in to view this page.

a PUT request to /api/staff/:id will return an object with a count of 1 if successful:

{ updatedRecords: 1 }

the PUT request must include the following:

  • name
  • email

a DELETE request to /api/staff/:id will return an object with a count of 1 if successful:

{ deletedRecords: 1 }

Note: All errors will come back as an object like so: ex. Missing input on login

{ message: "Input cannot be blank.", error: 400 }