This is a react implementation of tic-tac-toe game to reinforce react concepts as a beginner. Its a browser based game, single page application to keep you engaged for leisure.
State is managed by redux and it is integrated with the browser's local storage based on user's preference seelction.
The UI design of this project was adopted with permission from the following codepen links
The author of the above codepen, is a colleague and resident @ Codesmith.
- React to user selection.
- Utilize React redux data flow
- Utilize React passing down of props
- Update state from child components
- Use JSX and Webpack
- Animations in react
- Integration of web browser's local storage
- React Shared Component & Container Design Pattern
- A more intuituve business logic for simulating computer moves
- Ability to predict a user's move
- Animated winning direction
Please feel free to fork and improve this repo and you're very welcomed to creata a PR.