
MVEN stack project test

Primary LanguageVue


this a test projet build on top of MVEN (MongoDB, Vue, Express, Node) stack, CRUD functionnality of a basic client is implemented

Project setup

1 - first of all clone the project : here
2 - go into the project folder
3 - install dependencies

here are the command for that

git clone https://github.com/lansanalsm/MVEN_Test.git
cd MVEN_Test
npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

1 - start the backend server on port 3000 and then
2 - start the frontend server on port 8080


npm run serve
npm run dev-server

Compiles and minifies for production

this will build the frontend and serve it as SPA on the port 3000

npm run build
npm run prod-server

API documentation

The API documentation is made with swagger and can be accessed here


Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.