AI vs AI | AI vs Human | Swich Side | Play from FEN |
This project includes two java projects. The 1st part is the computing engine and the 2nd part is UI.
The engine part please see engine
The UI part please see ui
At depth of 4 and width of 16, it is about 1800 points of
Please don't use it for cheating. Please respect your opponent and play fair!
mvn install -f engine/pom.xml
mvn package -f ui/pom.xml
java -jar -Xmx30000m ui/target/ui-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Open your browser and visit:
Fill in your fen, then click submit to search best move.
You can modify depth, width and pool size to suit your own CPU and RAM.
SpringBoot is better than Flask.
I like Jupyter Notebook, But Maven is more suitable for complex projects.