
Codes for the paper "Convex Hull Escape Perturbation at Embedding Space and Spherical Bins Coloring for 3D Face De-identification"

Primary LanguageC++

Convex Hull Escape Perturbation at Embedding Space and Spherical Bins Coloring for 3D Face De-identification

Folder Structure

├──/cpp_codes (to create shape by using perturbed alphas)
     ├──/alphas (to create and perturb alphas by using CHEP)
     ├──/demoCode (to create shape by using alphas)
     ├──/projection_2D (to do SBC for color reinstatement and 2D project etc.)
     └──/evaluation (to do identity classification)

Setup of C++ Code in Docker container

  1. Do the setup for Extreme 3D Reconstruction, download the Bump-CNN model, BFM model, dlib face prediction model etc. and put in the respective folder as instructed in the readme file of Extreme 3D Reconstruction
  2. Use the FaceServices2.cpp of this repo to replace the one in /extreme_3d_faces/modules/PoseExpr/src/FaceServices2.cpp . The modified code (lines 766 - 812, and lines 53 - 83) will extract the perturbed alpha files (which are generated by the Python codes) to replace the original alpha. You may want to modify FaceServices2.cpp further if the location of alpha files are at somewhere else.
  3. Compile the C++ codes as instructed by the Extreme 3D Reconstruction

Setup of Python Code in Docker container

  1. Place the /alphas directory (and files inside) as the /demoCode/alphas directory in the Docker container. Note that the files inside /alphas/FEI are in fact the output files generated by /alphas/create_alphas_from_database.py and /alphas/perturbation.py
  2. Place the files inside /demoCode in /demoCode in the Docker container


At Docket container

  1. Download the FEI images and place the 4 originalimages_partX folders inside /shared/input/FEI_Face_Database
  2. Run /alphas/create_alphas_from_database.py to embed FEI images into non-perturbed alphas and stored in the .npy files
  3. Run /alphas/perturbation.py to generate the perturbed alphas and the .alpha files
  4. Run the /demoCode/testBatchModel.py (which will call the C++ code) to generate the perturbed 3D faces with wrinkles (i.e. .ply files) using 5 different perturbation approach. e.g. > python testBatchModel.py testImages_180_normal.txt /shared/output/output_180_normal_PB/pb2_pivot20.
  5. To get the non-perturbed face, use the original FaceServices2.cpp of Extreme 3D Reconstruction (i.e. not the modified one), re-compile the C++ code, and then run /demoCode/testBatchModel.py again.

Copy files from Docker Container to host Machine

  1. Copy the .ply output from Docker Container to your_path/output/output_180_normal_initial, your_path/output/output_180_normal_prePB and your_path/output/output_180_normal_PB/pbX_pivotX (4 folders) at your host machine
  2. Copy the /shared/input/FEI_Face_Database from Docker Container to your_path/input/FEI_Face_Database
  3. Suggest to share folder between the Docker container and the host machine so that the above copy & paste are not required
  4. Download facenet_keras.h5 and facenet_keras_weights.h5 from FaceNet's folder and put them inside your_path/output/facenet in host machine

At host

  1. Run /projection_2D/list_generation.py to generate the list inputList_180_normal_smile.txt
  2. Run /projection_2D/colored_2D.py to reinstate color, and project the 3D faces onto the 2D images as .png files
  3. Run /projection_2D/visualize_2D_images.py to review result 2D images of the selected individuals
  4. If needed, use random_rot_vector() of /projection_2D/rotate_resize_3D.py to generate a new list of random rotation, i.e. rotation.npy
  5. Run /evaluation/embed_2d.py to embed the 2D images as FaceNet embeddings, i.e. a single .npz file for each directory
  6. Move the .npz files to the directory /evaluation/embeddings_FaceNet. There are some previous output there. rename the files in similar format
  7. Run /evaluation/classification.py to get the final result