
Write Ahead Log library implemented in java

Primary LanguageJava


Java implementation of a Write Ahead Log.

This is a working implementation of a Write Ahead Log. It's purpose is to illustrate how this technique works.

It's extensively explained in this blog post.

Version Github Tag Commit tree Explanation
0.1 0.1 Commit Tree Basic and trivial usage of the WAL.
0.2 0.2 Commit Tree WAL writes to files and the garbage collector deletes them after the data has been comitted.
0.3 0.3 Commit Tree Full implementation with data recovery


This is, at the time of writing a toy project that implements some workarounds in order to implement the basic technique.

This implementation is:

  • Using a trivial method to write to files.
  • The files are text based for debugging and illustration purposes.
  • The data is not serialised in any binary format.

Marc de Palol marcdepalol@posteo.net
Blog / Mastodon