
Lantern App Engine Proxy - free proxy anyone can deploy to App Engine for use with Lantern desktop clients

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Lantern App Engine Proxy

Free proxy anyone can deploy to App Engine for use with Lantern desktop clients.


laeproxy is a proxy designed to run on Google App Engine. To work within GAE's limits, it only accepts requests within a certain size, and in the case of GET requests, for content within a certain size (via the Range header). The local proxy in Lantern desktop clients has baked-in support for this, automatically converting regular GET requests from the browser into one or more range requests to laeproxy, whose responses it combines into a single response back to the browser.

Getting Started

Install the App Engine Python SDK (e.g. brew install google-app-engine).

Clone laeproxy:

git clone git://github.com/getlantern/laeproxy.git

Run from App Engine's development server:

cd laeproxy
dev_appserver.py .

Make a test request:

curl -H'Range: bytes=0-300' -v localhost:8080/http/www.google.com/humans.txt
< HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
< Server: Development/1.0
< Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 06:46:36 GMT
< X-laeproxy-result: Retrieved from network 2013-01-30 06:46:36.328209
< X-laeproxy-upstream-status-code: 206
< X-laeproxy-upstream-server: sffe
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Running tests

Install the requirements for running the functional tests:

sudo pip install unittest2 gaedriver multiprocessing webob==1.1.1

Configure gaedriver.conf appropriately, make sure laeproxy is running locally if you're testing it in the dev_appserver, and then run ./test.py.

Further Reading