
Log 20201002-Yolanda

I did some data cleaning and the two problems that Prof Chen wanted us to discuss during the class. Also did the last question on hw4. I’m actually not sure if I should be sharing that part, but I think this is also a part of our MT project, so it’s probably fine if we work on this together.

For the two questions that Alison put in her readme file:

    1. I think age is from 4 to 25. I used the minimum and maximum of BEDEPON (child’s depression age).
    1. I coded missing value by changing -1 to .

Log 20201001

Clean the data and move ID to the first column, I also input the format (but I think it could be edited later).

  • Haven't check if child age is reasonable (6-23yo)
  • How to treat missing value?

Per the previous discussion, we may want to change variable names and get some descriptive analysis of the data. Hope we can sail through upcoming homework 4.