
RSS Generator for Angry Human on Rockland World Radio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angry Human RSS Generator


Deployments to AWS Lambda are done with Serverless

Deployment Setup

Details below are from the Install Serverless Quick Start Guide.

Step Command Description
1. npm install -g serverless Install Serverless CLI
2. Set up your Provider credentials Connect Serverless with your provider
3. cd angryhuman-rss-generator Change into your service directory


Populate the YML configuration file config.yml

# Serverless.yml config
globalSchedule: rate(1 hour) #event schedule as per http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/events/ScheduledEvents.html
bucket: angryhumanrss #The S3 bucket to create
region: us-east-1 #AWS region to publish lambda functions to

# Handler runtime config set
  sourceRssUri: http://www.mediafire.com/rss.php?key=jyk6j7ogc076r #Source RSS of published mp3s
  bucket: angryhumanrss #The S3 bucket to host the data and XML (same as above)
  region: us-east-1 #AWS region to use for aws-sdk in the function
  dataKey: data/rssdata #The S3 key to read known RSS items from
  dataOutKey: data/rssdata-out #The S3 key to write updated known RSS items to (different for debugging; same for prod)
  rssKey: angryhuman.xml #The S3 key to publish the RSS XML to

Deploy function

Step Command Description
1. serverless deploy -v Deploy to your AWS account
2. serverless invoke --function generaterss -p event.json Run the function we just deployed

Find out published XML URI

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name angryhuman-rss-generator-dev --query Stacks[].Outputs[]

The xml is published on the S3 backed website at /angryhuman.xml