
Token Based API Authentication for your RESTful API projects and JavaScript libraries

Primary LanguagePHP

Token Based API Authentication

Token Based API Authentication for JavaScript Projects, with Strong PHP server side build A Complete Token Based API Authentication scaffolding for your big Project or RESTful API service

Slim 3 API

DI Container, CSRF Protection Enabled, CORS Enabled, Token API Protection Enabled, Routing System

Laravel's ORM Eloquent

DB Models for any Database client, Query Builder, DB Relations, Data Security.

RESPECT validation Service

Form Validation Service, Simple and Large Validation Library.


Slim Micro-PHP Framework https://www.slimframework.com/ Respect Validation Service http://respect.github.io/Validation/docs/ Eloquent ORM https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/eloquent Visit CodersCoffe for more http://coderscoffe.com