
The fancy repository for NLP Class - Comp 542


Project 1

* Change the dir variable according to the test environment * Please run naive-bow.jl file * Play with constants as you would like to

  • Notebook file with desired accuracy were added!

Project 2

  • There are two main files which are totally ready to be tested

  • The only difference for both files is the array type which can be manipulated with respect to the test environment

    • CPU version of the code is worked on a CPU machine, but would be a suffering choice to be tested

      GPU version is really fast, but has memory allocation issues which we searched a lot, but could not offer a perfectly working solution (SOLVED!)

    • Restricted the memory used by KnetArray which causes a memory shortage when the randomness needed

      • Use the latest version of the limited test file for the final training test

        Commenting in the previous test cases would be sufficient to test all project

Project 3

  • There are two Julia files which are ready to be tested in CPU and GPU environments, specifically.
    • Test result in CPU version is more accurate since we have changed the batch size in order to fit GPU arrays in to memory.
    • In order to provide a fluent run, test cases which halts the program as they are too specific, are commented out. Instead, results are printed out for each test cases.
  • For convenience, the jupyter file, that was run on Google Colab environment that consists of a K80 GPU instance, provided.
  • You can access the trained model via following Drive link:


Project 4

* There are two Julia files which are ready to be tested in CPU and GPU environments, specifically. * GPU file is cleared from tests, which focuses on traning. * Tests can be performed through the main file. (attn-template)

  • We have provided a jupyter notebook which trained in a GPU machine and fulfills all tests.
    • You can access pretrained model via the same drive link above.