
A collection of common sorting algorithms, with template programming to support different data types.

Primary LanguageC++

SortAlgorithms CMake

A collection of common sorting algorithms, with template programming to support different data types.

Supporting Algorithms

Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Selection Sort

How To Use

std::vector<int> dataSource{ 10, 20, 30, -1, 0, 12, -23, 12 }; // Init the data source
SortAlgorithms::ComparatorBase<int> *comparator = new SortAlgorithms::AscendingComparator<int>(); // Init the comparator, either ascending or descending
SortAlgorithms::SorterBase<std::vector<int>> *sorter = new SortAlgorithms::BubbleSorter<std::vector<int>>(comparator); // Init the sorter

sorter->DoSort(dataSource); // Sort the data

See main.cpp for more examples.

How to add a new Sorter or Comparator

For Sorter

template<typename TContainer> // Add a template argument
class NewSorter : public SorterBase<TContainer> { // Extends the class from SorterBase<TContainer>
  explicit NewSorter(ComparatorBase<typename TContainer::value_type>* comparator)  : SorterBase<TContainer>(comparator){}
  void DoSort(TContainer& container) override{
    // ...
    // Your impl for the sorting algorithm
    // ...

For Comparator

template<typename TComp> // Add a template argument
class AscendingComparator : public ComparatorBase<TComp>{ // Extends the class from ComparatorBase<TComp>
  bool Compare(const TComp &comp1, const TComp &comp2) override{
    // ...
    // Your impl for the sorting algorithm
    // ...

  std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out) override{
    return out << "New Comparator";