
UPnP/DLNA library for Java and Android

Primary LanguageJava

Read the README.txt


Building Cling

  • Install Maven 3.2.3 or newer.

  • Install the Android SDK and set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to the SDK install directory.

  • Clone the Cling source:

git clone https://github.com/4thline/cling.git
  • Change into the cling/ directory.

  • Install everything into your local ~/.m2 Maven repository (this will take a few minutes if all dependencies have to be downloaded for the first time).

mvn clean install

If your build fails with Android/dex packaging errors, you forgot the clean.

  • Use Cling in your pom.xml with:

Building OS X Workbench DMG

hdiutil create -srcfolder workbench/target/cling-workbench-2.1.2-SNAPSHOT/Cling\ Workbench.app workbench/target/cling-workbench-2.1.2-SNAPSHOT/Cling\ Workbench.dmg

Publishing a release

Build release and tag on Github.

Update Maven repository:

mvn clean install
mvn deploy