$ docker pull mongodb
$ docker run --rm -p --name mongo -v /yourDBdirectory:/data/db -d mongo --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1.5
$ go get -u github.com/laowalter/photoserver
- Compile program for uploading photo to DB.
$ cd photoserver
$ cd util/picupdate
$ go build picupdate.go
- DB clean tools for outdate data.
$ cd photoserver
$ cd util/dbclean
$ go build dbclean.go
- Upload photo album located in "/data/album" in to DB
$ picupdate -path /data/ablum
- Run dbclean
Remove the photos moved or deleted from the previous upload directory.
$ dbclean
$ cd photoserver
$ go build main.go
$ ./main
Visit http://localhost:8080/
Test jquery
- check if there no command line argument.
- check if input argument is a file or directory, can import single file.
- add a swith -f to force update all the infomation of a photo or a directory.
Add thumb/frame shot for mp4 mov
Parse raw format for Sony, Cannon and Nikon.
- need to decide if use the raw file directly (time cost) to base64
- or save a large thumbnail to DB in advance(space cost) when show single pic.
- or generate a large size from raw format and save it in jpg.
Mobile client UI idea.
Add User management
- user management
Other feature
- Photos select from browser
- Slide
- google map api
- select multple photos, use one gps position
- update the original photo file, which doesnt have GPS info
- PhotoRotation
- tags belong per user.