This project is for DLSN introduced in the following paper "Global Learnable Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution".

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Global Learnable Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution

This project is for DLSN introduced in the following paper "Global Learnable Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution", submitted to IEEE TPAMI. (Accepted 10 Dec 2022). [arxiv] [supp]

The code is test on Ubuntu 16.04 environment (Python3.6, PyTorch >= 1.1.0) with Nvidia 3090 GPUs.


  1. Introduction
  2. Train
  3. Test
  4. Results
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Cite


Self-similarity is valuable to the exploration of non-local textures in single image super-resolution (SISR). Researchers usually assume that the importance of non-local textures is positively related to their similarity scores. In this paper, we surprisingly found that when repairing severely damaged query textures, some non-local textures with low-similarity which are closer to the target can provide more accurate and richer details than the high-similarity ones. In these cases, low-similarity does not mean inferior but is usually caused by different scales or orientations. Utilizing this finding, we proposed a Global Learnable Attention (GLA) to adaptively modify similarity scores of non-local textures during training instead of only using a fixed similarity scoring function such as the dot product. The proposed GLA can explore non-local textures with low-similarity but more accurate details to repair severely damaged textures. Furthermore, we propose to adopt Super-Bit Locality-Sensitive Hashing (SB-LSH) as a preprocessing method for our GLA. With the SB-LSH, the computational complexity of our GLA is reduced from quadratic to asymptotic linear with respect to the image size. In addition, the proposed GLA can be integrated into existing deep SISR models as an efficient general building block. Based on the GLA, we constructed a Deep Learnable Similarity Network (DLSN), which achieves state-of-the-art performance for SISR tasks of different degradation types (e.g. blur and noise). AS-SEM centering

Deep Learnable Similarity Network (DLSN).


Prepare training data

  1. Download the training data (800 training + 100 validtion images) from DIV2K dataset or SNU_CVLab.

  2. Unzip the training data into the folder '../SrTrainingData'.

  3. Specify '--dir_data' based on the HR and LR images path.

For more informaiton, please refer to EDSR(PyTorch).

Begin to train

  1. Cd to 'src', run the following script to train models.

    Example command is in the file 'demo.sh'.

    # Example X2 SR
    python main.py --dir_data ../../SrTrainingData --data_range 1-800/1-5 --n_GPUs 1 --rgb_range 1 --chunk_size 128 --n_hashes 3 --save_models --lr 1e-4 --decay 300-600-900-1200 --epochs 1500 --chop --save_results --data_test Set5 --n_resgroups 10 --n_resblocks 4 --n_feats 256 --reduction 4 --res_scale 0.1 --batch_size 16 --model DLSN --scale 2 --patch_size 96 --save DLSN_x2 --data_train DIV2K
    # Example X3 SR, Using X2 pre-trained model.
    python main.py --dir_data ../../SrTrainingData --data_range 1-800/1-5 --n_GPUs 1 --rgb_range 1 --chunk_size 128 --n_hashes 3 --save_models --lr 1e-4 --decay 50-100-150-200 --epochs 200 --chop --save_results --data_test Set5 --n_resgroups 10 --n_resblocks 4 --n_feats 256 --reduction 4 --res_scale 0.1 --batch_size 16 --pre_train ../experiment/DLSN_x2/model/DLSN_x2.pt --model DLSN --scale 3 --patch_size 144 --save DLSN_x3 --data_train DIV2K 


Quick start

  1. Download the pre-trained DLSN with scale factor 3 from BaiduYun or GoogleDrive and place it in '/experiment/DLSN_x3/model'.

  2. Place the original test sets (e.g., Set5, other test sets are available from GoogleDrive ) in '../SrBenchmark'.

  3. Cd to 'src', run the following scripts.

    Example command is in the file 'demo.sh'.

    # Test on Set5, Set14, B100, Urban100, Manga109 datasets.
    # Example X3 SR
    python main.py --dir_data ../../ --data_test Set5+Set14+B100+Urban100+Manga109 --n_GPUs 1 --rgb_range 1 --save_models --save_results --n_resgroups 10 --n_resblocks 4 --n_feats 256 --res_scale 0.1 --model DLSN --pre_train ../experiment/DLSN_x3/model/DLSN_x3.pt --save Temp --data_range 1-800/1-5 --scale 3 --test_only --reduction 4 --chunk_size 128 --n_hashes 3 --chop


Visual results on Urban100 and Manga109 with scale factor 4 are available from BaiduYun or GoogleDrive.


This code is built on EDSR (PyTorch). We thank the authors for sharing their codes.


If you find our work useful in your research or publication, please cite our work:

  title={Global Learnable Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution},
  author={Su, Jian-Nan and Gan, Min and Chen, Guang-Yong and Yin, Jia-Li and Chen, CL Philip},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},