
A complete sample project:

  • Source code in src and tests in tests
  • Source code organized in a module, specified in
  • .gitignore ignores all generated files
  • Makefile allows users to run static analysis and tests with make. You can also clean up generated files with make clean
  • pylintrc defines configuration for pylint / pytest.ini defines configuration for pytest
  • Python libraries used are specified in requirements.txt
  • Jenkinsfile defines steps for CI


  • Create/Activate a virtual environment

    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install libraries

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install source code as a module

    pip install -e .

Run Static Analysis and Tests

Type make to run:

  • Static analysis using flake8, pycodestyle, and pylint
  • Run pytest with coverage. The coverage metric is set to 95%