Vector Community Public Repository

  1. Introduction
    • This repository is used for public config files & public includes.
    • Anyone who want to pull a request to merge will be verified, in order to make sure that all files relevant could be deployed into the server.
  2. File structure
    • stripper
      • Will be deployed to all servers, will be automatically enabled if that server has the map what have configured.
    • include
      • All community related will be shown here.
      • You can write your own plugins by using our includes, if you want.
  3. Config deploy
    • About every 1 hour will execute deploy progress, to make sure all config files are latest.

VE社区 公开仓库

  1. 介绍
    • 此仓库仅用于存放配置文件, 以及公开头文件.
    • 任何想进行推送以用于合并分支的, 将会被检查以确保内容可以被部署到所有服务器.
  2. 文件结构
    • stripper
      • 将会被部署到全部服务器, 如果该服务器上有对应地图, 将会自动启用对应的配置.
    • include
      • 所有社区相关的头文件将会在这里显示.
      • 你可以用我们提供的头文件写你自己的插件, 如果你想的话.
  3. 配置文件部署.
    • 大约每隔一小时将会执行一次部署流程, 以确保所有的配置文件是最新的.