
🧰 Toolkit for creating virtual clusters with public cloud resources

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

HPC@Cloud Toolkit

This repository contains a dockerized environment and source code for the HPC@Cloud toolkit, comprised of a command-line interface for managing cloud infrastructure for HPC applications.


Setting up a development environment

Although HPC@Cloud can be executed on Windows using Docker, for developing it's recommended to use a Linux distro or MacOS.

To get started:

  1. Install prerequisites:

    • Install git
    • Install docker
    • Install terraform
    • Install aws cli, if you plan to use AWS
    • Install python version 3.11 or higher (ideally, install pyenv and setup a virtual environment for HPC@Cloud)
  2. First time setup

    • Run Docker and launch the dev containers with the following:
    make init
    • You then can install HPC@Cloud and its dependencies with the command below. You may need to install libpq-dev or other packages to be able to compile psycopg2:
    make install
    aws configure

    It should create the file ~/.aws/configure with the default profile.

You are now ready to use HPC@Cloud!

The cluster_config.yaml Setup

  1. To create a cluster configuration, copy the cluster_config.example.yaml file and rename it to cluster_config.yaml.

    • Note that the example file is just a template and may not work correctly in all environments. The settings provided in the example file (e.g., AWS region, instance types, SSH keys, and storage configurations) should be adjusted according to your own infrastructure and requirements.
  2. Once you've edited the file to match your requirements, run the following from the command-line:

hpcac create-cluster

After the execution completes, the cluster will be available over SSH connection.

  1. To destroy your cluster, run:
hpcac destroy-cluster

Setting up Tasks with tasks_config.yaml File and the my_files Directory

  1. Place all the files you want to transfer to the cluster inside the my_files folder.

  2. To set up a task to be executed in the cluster, copy the tasks_config.example.yaml file and rename it to tasks_config.yaml.

    • Note that the example file is just a template. You should edit this file to match the specific requirements of your application, such as the commands to be run, file paths, and any other necessary configurations.
  3. Once you've edited the file to fit your needs, run the following from the command-line:

hpcac run-tasks

Note: The results produced by the tasks should be saved in the './result' folder.


Please, find bellow the list of publications related to the HPC@Cloud Toolkit. If you need to cite HPC@Cloud Toolkit, please reference HPC@Cloud: A Provider-Agnostic Software Framework for Enabling HPC in Public Cloud Platforms for a general presentation.

  • Vanderlei Munhoz, Márcio Castro, Odorico Mendizabal. Strategies for Fault-Tolerant Tightly-coupled HPC Workloads Running on Low-Budget Spot Cloud Infrastructures. International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD). Bordeaux, France: IEEE Computer Society, 2022. [link] [bib]

  • Vanderlei Munhoz, Márcio Castro. Enabling the execution of HPC applications on public clouds with HPC@Cloud toolkit. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience (CCPE), 2023. [link]

  • Vanderlei Munhoz, Márcio Castro. HPC@Cloud: A Provider-Agnostic Software Framework for Enabling HPC in Public Cloud Platforms. Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD). Florianópolis, Brazil: SBC, 2022. [link] [bib]

  • Daniel Cordeiro, Emilio Francesquini, Marcos Amaris, Márcio Castro, Alexandro Baldassin, João Vicente Lima. Green Cloud Computing: Challenges and Opportunities. Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI). Maceió, Brazil: SBC, 2023. [link]

  • Livia Ferrão, Vanderlei Munhoz, Márcio Castro. Análise do Sobrecusto de Utilização de Contêineres para Execução de Aplicações de HPC na Nuvem. Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (ERAD/RS). Porto Alegre, Brazil: SBC, 2023. [link]

  • Luiz Fernando Althoff, Vanderlei Munhoz, Márcio Castro. Análise de Viabilidade do Perfilamento de Aplicações de HPC Baseada em Contadores de Hardware na AWS. Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (ERAD/RS). Porto Alegre, Brazil: SBC, 2023. [link]