
The final website project for Brad Hussey's Code Dynamic Website with PHP

Primary LanguageCSS

My First PHP Dynamic Webiste

This project is a part of Brian Hussey's Practical PHP: Master the Basics and Code Dynamic Websites course on (Udemy)[https://www.udemy.com/code-dynamic-websites/].

Course Review & Thoughts

This was a relatively simple course that covered a good chunk of the super-basics of PHP. It covered many ideas and developing skills that I had already covered in JavaScript making it a rather quick learning experience. Completing the final project probably was the most helpful part of the entire course. It help me see how PHP is utilized to build a more dynamic experience. I was a little bored because of how basic it was, but have no complaints overall.

Course Plan

Section 1 - Introduction

This section went over what PHP is and provided a shallow explanation about how it works. Then he went over tools, where to find and how to access the course files.

Section 2 - PHP Basics

This section went over syntax, variables and constants as well as provided a few exercises.

Section 3 - PHP Arrays

Arrays, associative and multi-dimensional, were covered.

Section 4 - If, Else & Elseif

If, else and elseif were covered.

Section 5 - Operators

The types of operators covered were comparison, logical, arithmetic, string, and assignment

Section 6 - PHP Loops

While, For, Foreach and Do / While loops were covered.

Section 7 - PHP Functions

Built-in and custom functions were covered as well as simple arguments.

Section 8 - Coding a Dynmaic PHP Restaurant Website

This was the most comprehensive part of the course. Starting from scratch, I built a basic webpage layout statically before dividing the page in to php templates starting with the header and the footer. We then moved on to creating the team page which incorporated a team member array, and how to access that from a separate file. We then moved onto the menu page and arrays where we learned about $_GET while building the menu item tempalate. Finally we developed a very simple contact form and incorporated the use of $_POST, simple form validation and submission. He also touched on the use of preg_match() to rid ourselves of common code injections.

How To Run This On Your Local Machine

You will need the following to run this website on your local machine:

  • one of the following: MAMPP, XAMPP, AMPPS, etc
  1. Clone this repo into your *AMPP working directory
  2. Navigate to the site under localhost:port/directory-name