
A simple CRUD web application using django

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple CRUD inventory for a logistic company using django framework for back-end.


[Optional] Create new virtualenv

  • Using pip
pip3 install virtualenv 
virtualenv -p python3 myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
  • Using anaconda
conda create --name myenv python==3.7
conda activate myenv 

Use the package manager pip to install the neccessary frameworks. The version of Python is 3.7.

pip install -r requirements.txt


python3 manage.py runserver

Then go to

Inventory Page

All basic features of a CRUD app are implemented.

  • Viewing the current list of products:

To view the detail of a product in the list, click on the name of the product. You can edit or delete a product from the action column. Adding a new product option is also available.

Products List Page

  • Viewing the detail of a product:<uuid:product_id>

Products List Page

  • Adding a new product:

There is a button to add new product at the end of the products table

Create Product Page

  • Editting a product:

From the products list, click on the product that you want to edit.<uuid:product_id>/edit

Edit Product Page

  • Deleting a product:

From the products list, click on the product that you want to delete.<uuid:product_id>/delete

Delete Product Page

  • Additionally, the list of available categories can be viewed from the products list page:

Categories List Product Page

More features

  • Exporting the current list of products to csv file:

To download the current list of products as csv file, you can go to the products list (, click on the Export button at the end of the table. The default name for the file is table.csv. A message box will be prompt to confirm the choice when clicking the Export button. Products List Page

Upcoming features

  • Allow image uploads AND store image with generated thumbnails
  • When deleting, allow deletion comments and undeletion
  • Filtering based on fields/inventory count/tags/other metadata
  • Ability to assign/remove inventory items to a named group/collection
  • Ability to create warehouses/locations and assign inventory to specific locations
  • Ability to create “shipments” and assign inventory to the shipment, and adjust inventory appropriately
  • Ability to generate a report on inventory levels over time, like: most in-stock or out-of-stock last month

Data Model (Updating)

ER Diagram


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.