
MLOps for Image Caption Generator.

Primary LanguagePython

Image Caption Generator

System Architecture


  • Image captioning generator using Hugging Face’s Vision Transformer ViT and Vision Encoder Decoder Models, integrating API endpoints via FastAPI, and containerized the applicaton using Docker.
  • The Model is deployed on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and monitored using Prometheus and Grafana.
  • CI/CD pipeline: Jenkin is installed on GCE through Ansible to automate image pushes to Docker Hub and model deployment on GKE.




Monitoring in Grafana


Run Locally

Install prerequisites

  • python 3.10
pip install -r requirements.txt


uvicorn main:app --host --port 30000

Then, you can try the API at localhost:30000/docs.

Deploy to GCP

Install Gcloud Related Packages and Setup Project

  • Install gcloud CLI

  • Install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin

    sudo apt-get install google-cloud-cli-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
  • Setup Gcloud Project

    • Authorizes gcloud and other SDK tools to access Google Cloud and setup configuration
    gcloud init
    • Login to GCP
    gcloud auth application-default login

Deploy Model to GKE

  • Create GKE Cluster with Terraform

    cd terraform
    terraform apply
  • Connect to GKE Cluster GKE connect GKE connect command

  • Switch to GKE context

    kubectx gke_mle-course-399400_us-east1_mle-course-399400-gke
  • Create namespaces

    k create ns nginx-ingress
    k create ns model-serving
    k create ns monitoring
  • Deploy nginx ingress controller

    helm upgrade --install nginx-ingress helm_charts/nginx-ingress -n nginx-ingress           
  • Deploy application to GKE cluster manually

    helm upgrade --install image-caption-deployment helm_charts/model-deployment/image-caption -n model-serving
  • Update Domain Name to /ect/hosts

    sudo vim /ect/hosts icg.example.com
  • Access FastAPI UI at icg.example.com/docs FastAPI

Monitoring Systems

Prometheus + Grafana

  • Switch to monitoring namespace
    kubens monitoring
  • kube-premetheus-stack is downloaded from prometheus-community (link).

    • Get Helm Repository Info (Optional)
    helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
    helm repo update
  • Exposing monitoring applications at web context

    • To expose Prometheus, AlertManager, and Grafana at the same domain with different web contexts, we need to overwrite the default values.yaml with our custom file kube-prometheus-stack.expanded.yaml (source).
          GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL: http://icg.monitoring.com/grafana
        # username is 'admin'
        adminPassword: prom-operator
          enabled: true
            kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
            nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$2
          hosts: ['icg.monitoring.com']
          path: "/grafana"
  • Install Helm Chart

    • Install kube-prometheus-stack and overwrite with our custom file:
      helm upgrade --install -f helm/k8s-monitoring/kube-prometheus-stack.expanded.yaml kube-prometheus-stack helm_charts/k8s-monitoring/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
      • Or if we use helm charts from prometheus-community
      helm install -f helm/k8s-monitoring/kube-prometheus-stack.expanded.yaml kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
  • Add Domain Name of the Cluster IP to /etc/hosts

    • Add the Cluster IP to /ect/hosts
      sudo vim /ect/hosts
    • Then Grafana can be accessed at icg.monitoring.com/grafana grafana_dashboard

CI/CD with Jenkins in GCE

Create Google Compute Engine

  • Create Service Account with Compute Admin Role

    • Create a new service account with Compute Admin role.
    • Create new key of the created service account and download it as json file. Key of Service Account
    • Save it in ansible/secrets. Update the service_account_file in ansible/playbook/create_compute_instance.yaml with the secret json file.
  • Create the Compute Engine

    ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/create_compute_instance.yaml
  • Update the ssh key

    • Generate a new SSH key ssh-keygen
    • Add the SSH key to Setting/Metadata/SSH KEYS SSH Key
    • Update the inventory file with the External IP address of the compute instance created in the previous step and the path to the ssh key file. update inventory
  • Install Jenkin on GCE

    ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory ansible/playbooks/deploy_jenkins.yaml

    Install Jenkin

  • Connect to Jenkins UI

    • Checking Jenkins installed successfully on GCE
      • Access the GCE instance
        ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa YOUR_USERNAME@INSTANCE_EXTERNAL_IP
      • Verify if Jenkins is running in the Compute Engine instance
        sudo docker ps
    • Access Jenkins UI via INSTANCE_EXTERNAL_IP:8081.
    • Follow the instruction to log in into Jenkins.
    • The password can be retrieved by
      # inside GCE instance
      sudo docker exec -ti jenkins bash
      cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
  • Connect Jenkins to GitHub Repo

    • Add Jenkins to Repo Webhook
      • Payload URL would http://INSTANCE_EXTERNAL_IP:8081//github-webhook/ Webhook
      • Event Trigger can be set to: Pushes and Pull Requests
    • Add GitHub Repo to Jenkins
      • Create new Multibranch Item in Jenkins
      • Create a new Personal Access Token Add github token
      • Connect Repo to Jenkins Connect to Repo
  • Add DockerHub Token to Jenkins Credential

    • Create a new DockerHub Token
    • Add the token to Jenkins' Credentials
      • Note: ID must be dockerhub to match the registryCredential in Jenkinsfile. Docker Token Added
  • Install the Kubernetes, Docker, Docker Pineline, GCloud SDK Plugins at Manage Jenkins/Plugins

    • Install Plugins Jenkins Plugin
    • Restart Jenkins in the Compute Engine instance after installing the plugins
    sudo docker restart jenkins
  • Setup Cloud Connection

    • Create clusterrolebinding
      kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:anonymous
      kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-default-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:serviceaccount:model-serving:default
    • Configure clouds at http://INSTANCE_EXTERNAL_IP:8081/manage/configureClouds/
      • Get Kubernetes URL and Kubernetes server certificate key
        cat ~/.kube/config
          - cluster:
              certificate-authority-data: KUBERNETES_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_KEY
              server: KUBERNETES_URL
      K8s Cloud Jenkins
  • Build

    • When there's new push/pull request, it will build and push the new version of image to DockerHub
    • The deploy the application with the latest image from DockerHub to GKE cluster. build