
First touch with Motoko and the internet computer.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Motoko Familiarization Project - DBank

Project Overview

This project, titled "DBank," is a basic banking application built to familiarize myself with Motoko and the Internet Computer. Motoko is a programming language designed specifically for the Internet Computer, a blockchain-based platform that aims to expand the functionality of the internet. The application allows users to top up, withdraw, and view their balance, implementing simple interest compounding over time. (Screenshot to come)


Key Features

  • Top Up: Deposit funds into your account.
  • Withdraw: Withdraw funds from your account.
  • Balance Check: View your current account balance.
  • Interest Compounding: Automatically applies a simple interest rate over time.

Technology Stack

  • Motoko: The backend logic is written in Motoko.
  • Internet Computer: Utilizes the Internet Computer for decentralized computing.
  • HTML/CSS/JS: Frontend implementation.

Installation and Running

To run this project, follow these steps:

  1. Start the DFINITY Canister SDK:

    dfx start --clean
  2. Deploy the Project:

    dfx deploy
  3. View the Application:

    Open index.html in a web browser to interact with the application.

Internet Computer (IC)

The Internet Computer represents a paradigm shift in blockchain technology, aiming to extend the capabilities of the internet. It provides a scalable and efficient platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). The IC is designed to host software and data in a secure and tamper-proof environment, offering a revolutionary approach to building and hosting applications.

Future Enhancements

  • User Authentication: Implement secure login for individual user accounts.
  • Transaction History: Keep track of all user transactions.
  • UI/UX Improvements: Enhance the frontend design for a better user experience.
  • Advanced Financial Features: Introduce more complex banking operations like loans or multiple account types.

Repository Structure

  • index.html: The main HTML file for the frontend.
  • index.js: JavaScript file handling frontend logic.
  • main.mo: The Motoko file containing the backend logic.
  • styles.css: CSS file for styling the frontend.

Additional Resources