
Scripted installation of service manager software for language grid. See http://langrid.org/oss-project/en/index.html for details on service manager software.

Primary LanguageShell

Setting up the Service Manager

The Short Version

Run as sudo

EDITOR=vi  # change to your favorite editor
wget http://downloads.lappsgrid.org/service-manager/setup.sh
chmod +x setup.sh

The setup.sh script has been tested on RedHat 6, CentOS 7.1, and Ubuntu 14.04LTS

The Long Version

The setup.sh script performs the following actions.

  1. Downloads the service-manager.properties file and opens it in a text editor. Make any required changes (the fields should be self-explanatory), save the file, and exit.
  2. Installs git, zip/unzip, and emacs if they are not already present on the system.
  3. Installs OpenJDK 1.8
  4. Installs PostgreSQL 9.6
  5. Installs Tomcat 7
  6. Generates all the XML configuration files; tomcat-user.xml, service-manager.xml, etc.
  7. Downloads the latest service_manager.war file from the Open Langrid's GitHub repository.
  8. Removes default Tomcat webapps and tightens read/write permissions on the Tomcat directories


In most cases the ServiceManager.config file does not need to be edited. If you do need to make changes, for example to change the value of a field not listed in the service-manager.properties file you will need to download the file from http://downloads.lappsgrid.org/service-manager/ServiceManager.config and edit the file before running the setup.sh script.


If the ANC's password service is down edit the ServiceManager.config file and replace occurrences of ${hexService.text} with random hex strings and occurrences of ${passwordService.text} with passwords.