An app passcode protection implementation, which allows user to protect the app with a four digit code.
Once enabled a four-digit passcode needs to be entered any time your mobile app is launched. This way your app is safe even if your smartphone or tablet falls into the wrong hands.
Note: This library doesn't add any extra protection to your data. App data will not be encrypted, the library just adds a pin lock screen that makes the app safe even if your kids put their hands on the device :)
Add it as a maven dependency in your build.gradle file. PasscodeLock is hosted on the maven central repository.
- In your build.gradle:
dependencies {
// use the latest 1.x version
compile 'org.wordpress:passcodelock:1.+'
- Edit your
and declare the following activities:
android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" >
android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" >
- Add the following line in
of your App file:
- In your project you need to use
in your Preference Activity. See SettingsActivity as a usage reference. Optionally, you may pass an argument that tells it whether or not to inflate its own preferences, this is only needed if you plan on providing the preferences via PasscodePreferenceFragment#setPreferences.
If you want to customize the pinlock icon, the one available in the unlock screen, override the passcode_logo.xml
drawable resource.
- Copy
in thelibrary/
directory of the project.
Publish it to bintray:
$ ./gradlew assemble publishToMavenLocal bintrayUpload -PbintrayUser=FIXME -PbintrayKey=FIXME -PdryRun=false
Dual licensed under MIT, and GPL.