Use header row for column names, custom input and output encoding, custom input field separator, custom output field separator, custom output formatting, CSV JOINs, Python module. Excel and JSON to CSV. CSV to JSON. SQL queries for CSV.
Use header row for column names, column name aliases, can skip lines until a regexp matches, custom input field separator (string literal, per-file), keep SQLite file, show generated SQL, table JOINs.
Use header rows for column names, custom field separator (regexp), custom record separator (string literal), lines as columns, skip a given number of lines and the beginning and at the end, merge selected columns into one, HTML, CSV, SQL and Tcl output.
Can set and remove properties in INI files. Can retrieve properties as a list of batch file set commands to set the corresponding variables. Changes files in place.
Can set and remove properties in INI files. Can retrieve properties as shell script commands to set the corresponding variables. Can output updated INI data or change files in place.
Can set and remove properties in INI files and check for their existence. Outputs updated INI data.
Configuration files
Augeas — can extract data from and modify a number of file formats. However, not all format are equally well supported by Augeas and for some formats only a limited subset of all valid files can be parsed.
Elektra — can manipulate configuration files with similar problems as Augeas for application-specific configuration files (it also uses the same lenses), but with better support for generic formats such as JSON or INI.