
Primary LanguageJava


Destination -> the customer can buy a ticket, see the current cinema offer, the administrator can manage the cinema

About version 0.1

  • There is implemented Cinema Database schema using Hibernate 5
  • There is used Repository Pattern provided by Spring Boot JPA
  • There are used database's unit tests using JUnit 4 with Mockito.
  • There is used H2 Database (in-memory database).
  • You can look at database in browser (localhost:8080/h2-console/)
  • Controllers are for each entity.
  • View diplays the result of SELECT * FROM Table_Name.
  • View are written in HTML which is extended by Thymeleaf.
  • There are used testing for controllers.


Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, Mockito, JUnit, Java, Thymeleaf, HTML