
Node.js Server for Alura Books

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Alura Books Server


Welcome to the Alura Books Server repository! This Node.js server complements the Alura Books React application Alura Books React, serving as the backend to handle CRUD operations on local databases (livros.json and favoritos.json). The primary focus of this project is to enhance skills in CRUD operations, working with a local database, and implementing routes for delete, get, post, and patch operations on any book identified by its unique ID.


  • CRUD Operations: The server supports Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on book data.

  • Local Database: Book data is stored in local database files (livros.json and favoritos.json), providing a simple and easy-to-use storage solution.

  • RESTful API: The server follows RESTful principles, offering clear and predictable endpoints for interacting with book data.

API Endpoints

  • Books:

    • GET /livros: Retrieve a list of all books.
    • GET /livros/:id: Retrieve details of a specific book identified by its ID.
    • POST /livros: Add a new book to the database.
    • PATCH /livros/:id: Update details of a specific book identified by its ID.
    • DELETE /livros/:id: Delete a book from the database based on its ID.
  • Favorites:

    • GET /favoritos: Retrieve a list of all favorite books.
    • POST /favoritos/:id: Add a new book to the favorites database.


This project serves as a practical exercise for improving CRUD skills, working with local databases, and implementing RESTful routes. Feel free to explore and modify the code to further enhance your understanding and proficiency in Node.js and backend development. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Happy coding! 🚀