ByteBank Project Readme

Project Overview

The ByteBank project was created with the primary goal of practicing TypeScript and addressing all the requirements outlined in the "requisitos.txt" file. Throughout the development process, various concepts and features of TypeScript were applied, including modules, enums, types, and local storage for data transaction storage.

Technologies Used

  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Project Structure

The project is structured to encompass various TypeScript features and best practices. Here is an overview of the main components:

  1. Modules: The project leverages TypeScript modules to organize code into manageable and reusable units. Each module encapsulates related functionality, promoting a clean and modular codebase.

  2. Enums: Enumerations were utilized to define a set of named constants representing distinct transaction types or other relevant entities. This enhances code readability and maintainability.

  3. Types: TypeScript's static typing features were extensively applied, defining clear types for variables, functions, and other data structures. This promotes code robustness and reduces the likelihood of runtime errors.

  4. LocalStorage: To persistently store transaction data, the project uses the browser's Local Storage feature. This ensures that user data is retained even after the page is refreshed or closed, providing a seamless and persistent experience.