
Home Broker simulator application written in Go, Next.js, NestJS and Apache Kafka.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Home Broker

A home broker simulator consisting in a booking application written in Go, a backend built with NestJS and a frontend using Next.js.

The applications

  • Booking: an application written in Go that simulates trading operations and runs indefinetely in the background writing operations to Apache Kafka.
  • Backend: an API using NestJS that receives operations from Apache Kafka and allows for usage by the frontend.
  • Frontend: a simple front that allows users to do BUY/SELL operations and see their asset's history. Frontend is still WIP


Please note that this project works as four services. Individual READMEs are available in each project folder for more information.

To run Homebroker, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/laracarvalho/homebroker.git
  • Install booking (Golang) project:
    • Enter project: cd booking
    • Install the dependencies: go mod download
    • Build the application: go build
  • Install backend (Node/Nest.js) project:
    • Enter project: cd backend
    • Install the dependencies: npm install
    • You can run the application as dev: npm run start:dev
    • Or you can build and run it npm run build && npm run start:prod
  • Install frontend (React/NextJS) project:
    • Enter project: cd frontend
    • Install the dependencies: npm install
    • You can run the application as dev: npm run dev
    • Or you can build and run it npm run build && npm run start
  • Download Kafka container: docker pull confluentinc/cp-kafka

How to run

  • Run Kafka container: docker run confluentinc/cp-kafka
  • Run the Booking application: ./cmd/trade/main
  • Run the backend: npm run start:dev
  • Run the frontend: npm run dev

Now you can add some assets to the Kafka queue and start using the Homebroker.


  • Go
  • NodeJS w/ NestJS
  • Next.js
  • Apache Kafka