
A HTML5 & Sass boilerplate and library for sane projects.

Primary LanguageSCSS


A HTML5 & Sass boilerplate and library for sane projects.


Wicked is a starting point for projects, so it doesn't come with many color declarations, except grayscale. What it does come with:

  • A responsive and simple grid based on Flexbox;
  • A reset file that doesn't extend itself too much;
  • A helper file filled with accessibility concern implementations and a few helper classes;
  • A semantically correct and starter-ready HTML5 file;
  • Robots file ready to be edited;
  • Site Web Manifest file for PWA.


  • Simply git clone this repository;
  • Use the npm run start script to watch for differences in your files.



The only depencency you'll need right off the bat is sass.



There's still a lot to develop for Wicked. My roadmap:

  • Easy config minification of css files.
  • Create a page to showcase and document Wicked's features.
  • Extend Wicked to a separate publishable repo for reutilization or develop a base theme to use Wicked just like Bootstrap.