# Laravel Bootstrap Forms.

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# Installation

Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require laraeast/laravel-bootstrap-forms.

composer require laraeast/laravel-bootstrap-forms

You should publish the flags icons in public path to display in multilingual form tabs.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=locales:flags

# Opening A Form

{{ BsForm::open(['url' => 'foo/bar']) }}
{{ BsForm::close() }}

By default, a POST method will be assumed; however, you are free to specify another method:

{{ BsForm::open(['url' => 'foo/bar', 'method' => 'post']) }}

Note: Since HTML forms only support POST and GET, PUT and DELETE methods will be spoofed by automatically adding a _method hidden field to your form.

You may also open forms with method as well:

{{ BsForm::get('foo/bar') }}
{{ BsForm::post('foo/bar') }}
{{ BsForm::put('foo/bar') }}
{{ BsForm::patch('foo/bar') }}
{{ BsForm::delete('foo/bar') }}
{{ BsForm::model($model, 'foo/bar') }}
{{ BsForm::putModel($model, 'foo/bar') }}
{{ BsForm::patchModel($model, 'foo/bar') }}

You may also open forms that point to named routes or controller actions:

{{ BsForm::open(['route' => 'route.name']) }}
{{ BsForm::open(['action' => 'Controller@method']) }}

You may pass in route parameters as well:

{{ BsForm::open(['route' => ['route.name', $user->id]]) }}
{{ BsForm::open(['action' => ['Controller@method', $user->id]]) }}

# Text, Text Area, Date, Number & Password Fields

Generating A Text Input

{{ BsForm::text('username') }}

Specifying A Default Value

{{ BsForm::text('email', 'example@gmail.com') }}
{{ BsForm::text('email')->value('example@gmail.com') }}

Note: The date, number and textarea methods have the same signature as the text method.

Generating A Password Input

{{ BsForm::password('password', ['class' => 'awesome']) }}
{{ BsForm::password('password')->attr('class', 'awesome') }}

Generating Other Inputs

{{ BsForm::email($name)->value($value)->label($label) }}
{{ BsForm::file($name)->label('Upload File') }}

# Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

Generating A Checkbox Or Radio Input

{{ BsForm::checkbox('name', 'value')->checked(false) }}
{{ BsForm::checkbox('name')->value('value')->checked(false) }}
{{ BsForm::checkbox('name')->value(1)->withDefault()->checked(false) }} {{-- If unchecked will send "0" with request --}}
{{ BsForm::checkbox('name')->value(1)->withoutDefault()->checked(false) }}
{{ BsForm::checkbox('name')->value(1)->default('no')->checked(false) }} {{-- If unchecked will send "no" with request --}}

{{ BsForm::radio('name', 'value')->checked(false)->label('label') }}
{{ BsForm::radio('name')->value('value')->checked(false)->label('label') }}

By default, will send default value "0" with an unchecked checkbox, if you want to disable it globally set the configuration key "laravel-bootstrap-forms.checkboxes.hasDefaultValue": true

# Drop-Down Lists

{{ BsForm::select('size', ['L' => 'Large', 'S' => 'Small']) }}
{{ BsForm::select('size')->options(['L' => 'Large', 'S' => 'Small']) }}

Generating A Drop-Down List With Selected Default

{{ BsForm::select('size')->options(['L' => 'Large', 'S' => 'Small'])->value('S') }}

Generating a Drop-Down List With an Empty Placeholder

{{ BsForm::select('size')->options(['L' => 'Large', 'S' => 'Small'])->placeholder('Select Size') }}

Generating A Grouped List

{{ BsForm::select('animal',[
         'Cats' => ['leopard' => 'Leopard'],
         'Dogs' => ['spaniel' => 'Spaniel'],
   ]) }}

# Generating A Submit Button

{{ BsForm::submit('Click Me!') }}

Generateing A Submit Button With Bootstrap Button Style

{{ BsForm::submit('Click Me!')->success() }}
{{ BsForm::submit('Click Me!')->primary() }}
{{ BsForm::submit('Click Me!')->info() }}
{{ BsForm::submit('Click Me!')->warning() }}
{{ BsForm::submit('Click Me!')->danger() }}

# Supported Methods

->label($label) : To Generate label to the specified field.

{{ BsForm::text('username')->label('Username') }}

->name($name) : To Generate label to the specified field.

{{ BsForm::text('username')->label('Username') }}

->placeholder($placeholder) : To Set placeholder attribute to the specified field.

{{ BsForm::text('username')->placeholder('Please Enter Your Name') }}

->min($min) : To Set min attribute to the specified number field.

{{ BsForm::number('age')->min(10) }}

->max($max) : To Set max attribute to the specified number field.

{{ BsForm::number('age')->min(10)->max(30) }}

->step($step) : To Set step attribute to the specified number field.

{{ BsForm::number('age')->min(10)->max(30)->step(1) }}

->multiple($bool = true) : To Set multiple attribute to the specified select and file fields.

{{ BsForm::file('photos[]')->multiple() }}

->note($note) : To Set help-block to the specified field.

{{ BsForm::text('username')->note('Example: Ahmed Fathy') }}

->name($name) : To Set the name of to the specified field.

{{ BsForm::text()->name('username')->note('Example: Ahmed Fathy') }}

->value($value) : To Set the value of to the specified field as default will set old('name').

{{ BsForm::text()->name('username')->value('Ahmed Fathy') }}

->inlineValidation($bool = true) : To display validation errors in the specified field.

{{ BsForm::text('username')->style('vertical')->inlineValidation(false) }}

->style($style = 'default') : To Set style to the specified field. supported ['default', 'vertical'].

{{ BsForm::text('username')->style('vertical') }}
{{ BsForm::text('email')->style('default') }}

->close() : To close the form tag.

{{ BsForm::close() }}

# Using Resource With Localed Fields

You may add localed labels, notes and placeholders using resource option as well:


You must add users.php file to the resources/lang/en/ path and set the default attributes and notes, placeholders as well:

return [
    'attributes' => [
        'username' => 'User Name',
        'email' => 'E-mail Address',
        'phone' => 'Phone Number',
    'notes' => [
        'username' => 'Example: Ahmed Fathy',
        'email' => 'Example: aliraqi-dev@gmail.com',
        'phone' => 'Example: +02xxxxxxxxxxx',
    'placeholders' => [
        'username' => 'Please enter your name.',
        'email' => 'Please enter your e-mail address.',
        'phone' => 'Please enter your phone number.',

# Using Custom Error Message Bag

You can using custom error bag to display validation errors without any conflict.

// Default error bag

// Other error bag

# Example Register Form


{{ BsForm::post(route('register')) }}
	{{ BsForm::text()->name('name') }}
	{{ BsForm::email('email') }}
	{{ BsForm::text('phone') }}
	{{ BsForm::submit()->danger() }}
{{ BsForm::close() }}

# Using Multilingual Form Tabs

{{ BsForm::post(route('categories.store')) }}
        {{ BsForm::text('name') }}

	{{ BsForm::submit()->danger() }}
{{ BsForm::close() }}

Note : the input name inside @bsMultilangualFormTabs and @endBsMultilangualFormTabs suffix with :{lang}.

Ex. if your supported language is ar & en the input will named with name:ar & name:en.

You should use Astrotomic/laravel-translatable and configure it's rule_factory with key format \Astrotomic\Translatable\Validation\RuleFactory::FORMAT_KEY to fill the multilingual data like the following example.

    'name:ar' => 'سيارات',
    'name:en' => 'Cars',

// with laravel-bootstrap-forms

# Manage Locales

You can add your supported locales in locales.php config file. you will get it using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=locales:config
return [
    | Application Locales
    | Contains an array with the applications available locales.
    'languages' => [
        'en' => [
                'code' => 'en',
                'name' => 'English',
                'dir' => 'ltr',
                'flag' => '/images/flags/us.png'
            'ar' => [
                'code' => 'ar',
                'name' => 'العربية',
                'dir' => 'rtl',
                'flag' => '/images/flags/sa.png'

# Using Bootstrap 3

If you want to use bootstrap 3 you should publish the config file using the following commad and set the bootstrap version globally.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-bootstrap-forms.config

return [
     * The path of form components views.
     * - 'BsForm::bootstrap4'  - Bootstrap 4
     * - 'BsForm::bootstrap3'  - Bootstrap 3
    'views' => 'BsForm::bootstrap3',

After change bootstrap version you should clear the cached view files using the view:clear artisan command.

php artisan view:clear

# Add Custom Style To The Component

run the vendor:publish artisan command to override components views as well.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laraeast\LaravelBootstrapForms\Providers\BootstrapFormsServiceProvider" --tag laravel-bootstrap-forms.views

will override components in resources/views/vendor/BsForm path.

- views
	- vendor
		- BsForm
			- bootstrap4
				- text
					- default.blade.php
					- vertical.blade.php
					- custom.blade.php
				- email
					- default.blade.php
					- vertical.blade.php
					- custom.blade.php

you can copy default.blade.php file as custom.blade.php and use custom style as well :

{{ BsForm::text('name')->style('custom') }}

you can also set the style globally with BsForm::style() method before the form open as well :




To reset the custom style to the default you should call clearStyle() method as well:


For Example :

{{ BsForm::model($user, route('users.update', $user)) }}
	{{-- All fields here uses web style  --}}
	{{ BsForm::text('name') }} 
	{{ BsForm::text('email') }} 
	{{-- All fields after clearing uses default style  --}}
	{{ BsForm::text('phone') }} 
	{{ BsForm::textarea('address') }} 
	{{ BsForm::submit()->style('inline') }} 
{{ BsForm::close() }}

# Add Custom Component

You may add new component class extends BaseComponent and regoster it in your boot() method in AppServiceProvider class as well:


namespace App\Components;

use Laraeast\LaravelBootstrapForms\Components\BaseComponent;

class ImageComponent extends BaseComponent
     * The component view path.
     * @var string
    protected $viewPath = 'components.image';

     * The image file path.
     * @var string
    protected $file;

     * Initialized the input arguments.
     * @param mixed ...$arguments
     * @return $this
    public function init(...$arguments)
        $this->name = $name = $arguments[0] ?? null;

        $this->value = ($arguments[1] ?? null) ?: 'http://via.placeholder.com/100x100';




        return $this;

     * Set the file path.
     * @param $file
     * @return $this
    public function file($file)
        $this->file = $file;

        return $this;

     * The variables with registerd in view component.
     * @return array
    protected function viewComposer()
        return [
            'file' => $this->file,

Then register the component class in boot() method in your AppServiceProvider class as well :


namespace App\Providers;

use App\Components\ImageComponent;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Laraeast\LaravelBootstrapForms\Facades\BsForm;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        BsForm::registerComponent('image', ImageComponent::class);

Then publish the BsForm views and create the new component file in views/vendor/BsForm/bootstrap4/components/image/default.blade.php path.

Eexample content of views/vendor/BsForm/bootstrap4/components/image/default.blade.php file :

<div class="form-group{{ $errors->has($name) ? ' has-error' : '' }}">
        {{ Form::label($name, $label, ['class' => 'content-label']) }}

    {{ Form::file($name, array_merge(['class' => 'form-control'], $attributes)) }}

            <strong class="help-block">{{ $errors->first($name) }}</strong>
            <strong class="help-block">{{ $note }}</strong>
        <strong class="help-block">{{ $note }}</strong>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-3">
                <a href="#" class="thumbnail">
                    <img src="{{ $file }}">


{{ BsForm::image('photo', $url) }}