Neighbourhood App: London Museums Map

London Museums Map is a single-page application developed using React, featuring a map of London and a set of museums. List view and map markers identify 8 museums located in central London. The app also includes a filter function that filters the map markers and list items to locations matching the text input.

App functionality

On the sidebar there is a filter option that uses an input field to filter both the list view and the map markers.

The list view and the markers update accordingly in real time. Selecting a location via list item or map marker causes the map marker to bounce to indicate that the location has been selected and associated info window opens above the map marker showing address and opening time of the museum. The address and opening time data is provided by Foursquare.

In case of error (e.g. in a situation where a third party API does not return the expected result) a message is displayed notifying the user that the data can't be loaded.


You need to have installed node.js server to run the app.

Install and run

  1. First step is to clone this repository. On terminal go to directory where you want to have the clone and run:

git clone

  1. Install the app on terminal:

npm install

  1. Run the app on terminal:

npm start

(To stop running press Ctrl-C on the terminal.)

Technical specification

External APIs used

  • Google Maps API
  • Foursquare Places API

Browser APIs used

  • Fetch API
  • Service Worker Cache API

React components

  • App
    • Sidebar
      • Item
    • Map
      • Marker


If you have any problems or questions, please open an issue on this repository.