
[No longer maintained] Laravel package for MobileDetect

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

MobilDetect package for Laravel

Build Status Total Downloads Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License


Version: 1.0
Author: Mark Topper [Facebook] [Github] [Twitter]
Website: www.webman.io
Email: mark@webman.io


First add the package to your composer by running command composer require larapack/mobiledetect 1.* or by adding the following code to composer.json followed by running the command composer update:

    "require": {
        "larapack/mobiledetect": "1.*"

Add the alias to the aliases in your app/config/app.php:

'aliases' => array(
    // ...
    'MobileDetect' => 'Larapack\MobileDetect\MobileDetect',


The following examples assume you use the MobileDetect class name as alias, but the packages is namespaced so you can name the facade as you wish.

$detect = MobileDetect;

if ($detect->isMobile()){
  // this is a mobile
else if ($detect->isTablet()){
  // this is a tablet

if ($detect->isIE()){
  // this is IE -.-'

More examples on http://mobiledetect.net/