Storytime Block

With Larva experiments. There are two build steps – larva scripts for front-end assets, and wp scripts for block JS.

To develop, run all commands from assets:

Start with npm install.

To develop front-end UI:

  1. Run npm run larva to open the Larva server.
  2. In a new command window, run npm run dev to start the watch task for JS and SCSS compilation.

To develop blocks:

  1. Run npm run start

Asset Building

  • npm run prod – Build minified CSS and JS for production.
  • npm run prod:scss - Compile only CSS.
  • npm run prod:js - Compile only JS.
  • npm run dev - start a watcher for JS and one for SCSS files.
  • npm run dev:scss - Start the watcher for SCSS.
  • npm run dev:js - Start the watcher for JS.
  • npm run build-icons – Build an icon sprite from SVGs inside assets/src/svg/icons to assets/build/defs/svg/svg-sprite.defs.svg

Larva Commands

  • npm run larva - Start the Larva pattern server. Navigate in the browser to http://localhost:3000.
  • npm run parser - Parse recently changed pattern Twig files to PHP.
  • npm run write-json - write pattern objects to JSON files.


  • npm run lint - Lint SCSS and JS in src/
  • npm run lint:scss - Lint SCSS.
  • npm run lint:js - Lint JS in src/.
  • npm run lint-fix:scss - Lint and fix auto-fixable errors in SCSS.
  • npm run lint-fix:js - Lint and fix auto-fixable errors in JS.

Read the docs

Read about developing UI on the Larva Wiki.