- 3
Column collation in schema builder
#132 opened by fpolli - 1
RefreshCommand uses non existing option for ResetCommand
#129 opened by SPie - 1
- 30
Add support for Laravel 9
#117 opened by yurybohush - 4
- 1
[3.x] command doctrine:migrations:rollback defines version argument which is ignored
#123 opened by whizzrd - 4
issue installing package in laravel 9
#119 opened by Felipe-Castillo - 4
Add support for Laravel 8
#100 opened by martio - 7
Add attributes metadata support
#113 opened by jurgenbosch - 4
- 4
- 1
- 4
Unable to run migrations
#59 opened by jesseyofferenvan - 2
Table already exists error if there is intermediate entity for many-to-many relationship
#102 opened by rela589n - 7
[BUG] Migrations diff doesn't work
#97 opened by thrashzone13 - 6
Add support for Doctrine Migrations 2.0
#73 opened by jwage - 3
- 3
Support option: organize_migrations
#92 opened by FlashBlack - 3
- 0
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
MigrateCommand in non-interactive mode exits with 1 error code when there are unavailable migrations
#83 opened by KamilKopaczyk - 7
- 2
- 1
- 1
#77 opened by kolvin - 6
- 4
- 1
[Bug] VersionCommand --no-interaction should add migrations without asking confirmation
#70 opened by lmillucci - 1
[Bug] Add all versions do not work
#65 opened by lmillucci - 3
- 5
How to ignore custom tables
#33 opened by josecelano - 1
generating migrations based on config
#56 opened by gabyrusu - 6
- 2
Unexpected error in console commands in Lumen 5.5
#54 opened by retnek - 2
add support for laravel 5.5
#53 opened by meltzow - 2
Migration in postgres always adds $this->addSql('CREATE SCHEMA public'); to the down() in migration
#51 opened by isaackearl - 1
setGeneratorStrategy throws a type error
#43 opened by ekeyte - 1
How to add new migration version ?
#44 opened by aftabnaveed - 3
- 1
- 4
Adding a column after another existing column
#40 opened by ngrevet - 2
- 2
Testing UseDatabaseMigrations UUID error
#36 opened by XanManZA - 5
- 1