
HipChat Notifications Channel for Laravel

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HipChat Notifications Channel for Laravel

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This package makes it easy to send HipChat notifications with Laravel.

Channel Deprecated

Hipchat was discontinued in early 2019. As such, this channel will no longer receive updates and is being deprecated.



You can install the package via composer:

composer require laravel-notification-channels/hipchat

If you're using Laravel < 5.5 or if you have package auto-discovery turned off you have to manually register the service provider:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Setting up the HipChat service

Add your HipChat Account Token and optionally the default room and Hipchat API server's base url to your config/services.php:

// config/services.php
'hipchat' => [
    'token' => env('HIPCHAT_TOKEN'),
    // Default room (optional)
    'room' => 'Notifications',
    // Base URL for Hipchat API server (optional)
    'url' => 'https://api.your.hipchat.server.com',


Sending a simple room notification

Note: In order to be able to send room notifications you would need an auth token (both personal and room tokens will work) with the send_notification scope.

use NotificationChannels\HipChat\HipChatChannel;
use NotificationChannels\HipChat\HipChatMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class UserRegistered extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [HipChatChannel::class];

    public function toHipChat($notifiable)
        return HipChatMessage::create()
            ->room('New Registrations')
            ->html("<strong>A new user has registered!</strong>")

Sending a room notification with a card

Read more about HipChat notification cards here.

public function toHipChat($notifiable)
    return HipChatMessage::create()
        ->text('Laravel 5.3 has arrived!')
            ->html('Laravel 5.3 has arrived! The best release ever!')
            ->activity('Laravel 5.3 has arrived!', 'http://bit.ly/2c7ntiF')
                ->label('Laravel Scout')
                ->value('Driver based full-text search.')
                ->label('Laravel Echo')
                ->value('Event broadcasting, evolved.')
                ->label('Laravel Passport')
                ->value('API authentication.')

Sharing a file in a HipChat room

Note: In order to be able to share files you would need an auth token (i.e. personal token) with the send_message scope. You can create such token by visiting HipChat -> Account Setting -> API Access.

In majority of cases all you need is just a path to an exisiting file you want to share

public function toHipChat($notifiable)
    return HipChatFile::create($this->user->photo);

You can optionally send a text message along the way

public function toHipChat($notifiable)
    return HipChatFile::create($this->user->photo);
        ->text("Look we've got a new user!");

If you need more control and/or you're creating the content of the file on the fly

public function toHipChat($notifiable)
    return HipChatFile::create()
        ->fileContent(fopen('http://example.com/user/photo/johndoe', 'r'))
        ->text("Look we've got a new user!");

Available methods


  • create(): Creates a new HipChatMessage instance.
  • room(): Sets the id or name of the HipChat room to send the notification to.
  • from(): Sets the optional label to be shown in addition to the sender's name.
  • content(): Sets the content of the notification message.
  • text(): Sets the format to plain text and optionally the content.
  • html(): Sets the format to html and optionally the content. Allowed HTML tags: a, b, i, strong, em, br, img, pre, code, lists, tables.
  • color(): Sets the color of the message. See MessageColors for allowec values.
  • notify(): Specifies if a message should trigger a user notification in a Hipchat client.
  • info(): Sets notification level to info and color to MessageColors::GRAY.
  • success(): Sets notification level to success and color to MessageColors::GREEN.
  • error(): Sets notification level to info and color to MessageColors::RED.


  • create(): Creates a new Card instance.
  • title(): Sets the title of the card.
  • id(): Sets the id of the card.
  • style(): Sets the style of the card. See CardStyles for allowed values.
  • text(): Sets the format to plain text and optionally the content.
  • html(): Sets the format to html and optionally the content.
  • cardFormat(): Sets the format of the card. See CardFormats for allowed values.
  • url(): Sets the url of the card.
  • thumbnail(): Sets the thumbnail of the card.
  • activity(): Sets the activity info of the card.
  • icon(): Sets the icon of the card.
  • addAttribute(): Adds a CardAttribute to the card.


  • create(): Creates a new CardAttribute instance.
  • value(): Sets the textual value of the attribute.
  • label(): Sets the label of the attribute.
  • url(): Sets the url of the attribute.
  • style(): Sets the style of the attribute. See CardAttributeStyles for allowed values.
  • icon(): Sets the icon of the attribute.


  • create(): Creates a new HipChatFile instance.
  • room(): Sets the id or name of the HipChat room to share the file in.
  • path(): Sets the fileContent to the resource of the existing file and tries to detect and set the fileName and fileType if they weren't explicitely set.
  • fileName: Sets the name of the file.
  • fileContent: Explicitely sets the content of the file. It can be a string, stream or a file resource. If a resource was passed it tries to detect and set the fileType if it wasn't explicitely set.
  • fileType: Explicitely sets the content (mime) type of the file.
  • text(): Sets a text message to be sent along with the file.


$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email pmatseykanets@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Special thanks to Jerry Price for his help.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.