
Official PHP Laravel SDK for interacting with the WorkOS API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

WorkOS PHP Laravel Library

The WorkOS library for Laravel provides convenient access to the WorkOS API from applications written in Laravel.


See the API Reference for Laravel usage examples.


To install via composer, run the following:

composer require workos/workos-php-laravel

For Laravel 5.0-5.4, add the WorkOS ServiceProvider in your config/app.php:

"providers" => array(
    // ...

For Laravel 5.5 and up, 6.x and 7.x... you're all set!


Create a WorkOS configuration file by running the following:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="WorkOS\Laravel\WorkOSServiceProvider"

The package will need to be configured with your api key and project id. By default, the package will look for a WORKOS_API_KEY and WORKOS_CLIENT_ID environment variable.

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