Laravel Serializable Closure provides an easy and secure way to serialize closures in PHP.
- 3
Check for readonly properties
#89 opened by RV7PR - 1
- 1
- 7
- 1
Memory leak in job queue delivery
#81 opened by aogg - 5
- 3
Syntax errors caused by namespace resolution
#78 opened by JakeBooher - 1
- 2
When I used `php_strip_whitespace` to compress my PHP code, this library didn't work as expected.
#72 opened by dreamncn - 2
Unable to find the called function
#71 opened by devdasher - 6
- 1
- 2
- 3
Call to a member function `bindTo()` on `null`
#59 opened by zaherg - 1
Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed
#51 opened by AkioSarkiz - 2
Unserialize from opis/closure serialization?
#49 opened by come-nc - 1
serialization crashes on typed properties
#48 opened by henzeb - 4
Support for PHP 8.1 enums
#43 opened by ricardoboss - 5
- 1
PHP 7.3 is not supported.
#42 opened by isaacdarcilla - 0
Save filename when serializing closures
#41 opened by driesvints - 1
Memory leak in anonymous function
#40 opened by r4y7s - 4
- 6
Error: File name too long[36]
#35 opened by maher1337 - 2
- 5
- 0
PHP 8.1RC5: Cannot instantiate enum testEnum when serializing closure that uses an native enum
#27 opened by henze-housepedia - 2
Serialization of 'CurlHandle' is not allowed
#26 opened by foremtehan - 0
Stream wrapper collision
#22 opened by agustinprod - 3
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Call to undefined method Laravel\SerializableClosure\Serializers\Native::from()
#18 opened by henze-housepedia