
Syndra is a Laravel package. It provides you with predefined JSON responses to use in your API.

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Syndra is a Laravel package. It provides you with predefined JSON responses to use in your API.


When building an API you have to standardize it so that you can always expect the same response for similar requests.

When using resource controllers these methods usually are: index, store, update, destroy.


For the index method you want to output data. That can be achieved with Syndra::respond($data). By default the status code is 200, but you can change it manually using Syndra::setStatusCode($statusCode)->respond($data). Syndra goes great with Fractal. To learn how to use them together read Laravel API 101.

Another thing that you will most likely want to do is to enable CORS. This can be achieved by setting the appropriate headers:

return Syndra::setHeaders([
        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*',


In the store method you want to return that the resource was created. Syndra enables you to do this easily with Syndra::respondCreated(). This generates the following response:

    "message": "Created",
    "status_code": 201

You can customize the message by passing the message as a parameter Syndra::respondCreated('The resource has been created!').


You can almost guess which method we use for when the resource has been updated by now; Syndra::respondUpdated(). By default this returns message Updated with status code 202. As with respondCreated, you can set the message by passing it as a parameter to respondUpdated.


For the destroy method I like to return status code 200 with a message Ok. This can be done with Syndra::respondOk().

By applying what you have learned so far, you can now easily build your API responses however you want and they will be consistent throughout your entire API.

Advanced Usage

In this chapter I will show you how to handle most common situations which can occur in your application.

Handling Validation Errors

If you are using $this->validate($request, $rules) from your controller to validate data, you would want Syndra to return validation errors if the validation fails. To do that, go to app/Exceptions/Handler.php and in render method add this block of code:

if ($e instanceof ValidationException) {
    return \Syndra::respondValidationError(

If the validation fails, the response will be similar to the one bellow but with different messages:

    "error" : {
        "message": {
            "email": [
				"The email format is invalid."
		"status_code": 422

Handling Model Not Found Errors

Similar to handling validation errors, model not found errors are addressed in the same way. Go to app/Exceptions/Handler.php and in render method add this block of code:

if ($e instanceof ModelNotFoundException) {
    return \Syndra::respondNotFound();

Now every time you use Model::findOrFail($id) in your controller and it does not find anything you will get this JSON response:

    "error" : {
        "message": "Not Found",
		"status_code": 404

Handling Authentication & Authorization Errors

From your AuthController, if the authentication attempt fails you can return Syndra::respondUnauthorized() or if the authenticated user lacks permissions to do something you can return Syndra::respondForbidden(). Both methods accept message as the first parameter.

Hint! You can even pass an array instead of a string as a message.

Handling Server Errors

In the case that something goes terribly wrong, you can shamefully respond with Syndra::respondInternalError().


From the command line:

composer require laravelista/syndra

Include the service provider in config/app.php:

'providers' => [

And add a facade alias to the same file at the bottom:

'aliases' => [
    'Syndra' => Laravelista\Syndra\Facades\Syndra::class


There are two way of working with Syndra. As a facade Syndra::respond($data) or as a injected dependency $this->syndra->respond($data):

use Laravelista\Syndra\Syndra;

protected $syndra;

public function __construct(Syndra $syndra)
    $this->syndra = $syndra

Common responses


This is useful for index and show method. Use this when you want to return custom JSON output, like the one you get from Fractal.

Syndra::respond(array $data)


Use this for responding with messages. This returns a predefined message JSON template which contains the message and the status code.



    "message": "Ok",
    "status_code": 200


Use this for responding with error messages. This returns a predefined error JSON template which contains the message and the status code wrapped in error.



    "error": {
        "message": "Error",
        "status_code": 200

HTTP Status Codes 2xx


Use this to respond with a message (200).



Use this when a resource has been created (201).



Use this when a resource has been updated (202).


HTTP Status Codes 4xx


Use this when the user needs to be authorized to do something (401).



Use this when the user does not have permission to do something (403).



Use this when a resource is not found (404).

Syndra::respondNotFound($message='Not Found')


Use this when the validation fails (422).

Syndra::respondValidationError($message='Validation Error')

HTTP Status Codes 5xx


Use this for general server errors (500).

Syndra::respondInternalError($message='Internal Error')


Use this for HTTP not implemented errors (501).

Syndra::respondNotImplemented($message='Not Implemented')

Manipulating the status code


Sets status code manually. This method can be chained (combined) with other methods.




Manipulating headers


Sets headers on the response. This method can be chained (combined) with other methods.

Syndra::setHeaders(array $headers)


Syndra::setHeaders($headers)->respondWithMessage('Hello World!');


Many thanks to:

  • @delatbabel for notImplemented method and default message values