
Telegram bot for the white asparagus festival Asparagorgo

Primary LanguagePython


Telegram bot for the white asparagus festival Asparagorgo.

How to use

  1. Clone the repository with git clone.
  2. Enter in the asparagorgo-bot folder and create two folders and a text file:
    • resources: inside this folder put a json file named config.json with the bot token and a group id, e.g.:
        "token": "XXXXXXXXX:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "mygroupid" : "-000000000"
      Why a group id? By creating a Telegram group with the bot and by giving its id, you'll get a notification (into the group) every time someone starts the bot. For more informations look at the start command in src/Start.py.
    • images: here you have to put pictures used by the bot (look at the bot commands for more info - no pictures needed as now).
    • num_of_users.txt: write 0 in it. Every time a new user will /start the bot, the number in this file will increase by 1.
  3. Install dependencies with pipenv install.
  4. Type pipenv shell.
  5. Run the bot by giving the command python main.py or python3 main.py.


  • /start
  • /help
  • /info: menu with informations about the festival.